• EuroGlobalMap (EGM)

    The EuroGlobalMap is a geodatabase with an accuracy level of 1: 1 000 000, covering 45 European countries and territories. The thematic scope of the data includes: administrative boundaries, transport and hydrographic networks, topography, settlement and anthropogenic objects. Detailed information about about Euro Global Map is available at:https://eurogeographics.org/products-and-services/open-data/

  • EuroBoundaryMap (EBM)

    EuroBoundaryMap (EBM) is one of the products EuroGeographics AISBL Organization. This is the geo-database at the scale 1:100 000 covering 41 countries. It contains geometry, names and codes of administrative and statistical units continuously updated by our members, the national mapping and cadastral agencies (NMCAs) of Europe. The EuroBoundaryMap published on the geoportal is the…

  • 3D models of trees

    3D models of trees represent trees with a height of over 4 meters. To indicate the location and maximum height of individual trees, a 1-meter grid was created from airborne laser scanning (ALS) points of high vegetation (by rounding the X, Y coordinates to whole meters). This allowed for the isolation of individual tree and…

  • 3D Models of Building

    3D models of building are a three-dimensional representation of a significant part of buildings derived from the BDOT10k database. 3D models of building have been constructed from the compilation three data sources: 3D models of building were developed by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography: 3D models of building are available in four layers:…

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