3D models of trees represent trees with a height of over 4 meters. To indicate the location and maximum height of individual trees, a 1-meter grid was created from airborne laser scanning (ALS) points of high vegetation (by rounding the X, Y coordinates to whole meters). This allowed for the isolation of individual tree and determination of their maximum height along neighborhood analysis. 3D tree models in City GML format, following the LoD1 standard, were prepared as part of GUGiK’s own work using Safe Software’s FME software.

3D Models of trees were generated automatically based on current data available in the national geodetic and cartographic resource, including:
- Point cloud (developed using ALS technology – airborne laser scanning) from the high vegetation class and
- Digital Terrain Model (grid interval 1.0 m).
Each 3D model of tree includes the following attributes:
- Object identifier (gml_id)
- Data source (zrodlo)
- Data source accuracy (aktZrodla)
- Tree height (height)
- Ground level height of the tree (h_nmt)
The 3D tree models are available free of charge for public use through the service www.geoportal.gov.pl. In the group of layers „Data for download” -> „Topography”section, there is a WMS service called „Modele 3D drzew” containing the „Drzewa LoD1 – 2023” (Trees LoD1 – 2023) layer. By using the identification tool and clicking within the borders of the county for which you want data, you can download 3D models of trees.