Catalogue Service for Web (CSW) makes it possible to search for spatial data, spatial data sets and network services based on corresponding metadata stored in data collection system in compliance with OGC CSW specification. The term of metadata is defined as “data about data” and describes data features like information about data geographical localization, resolution, scale, creation date of data and other important details.
The list of standards is available on the website of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): Detailed information on the sharing of spatial data in accordance with the standards of INSPIRE can be found at:
CSW service allows to quick and easily search for spatial data. The service is based on two basic components of a metadata repository and catalogue of metadata. Metadata are used to:
- describe existing data
- search of data form catalogue of metadata
Geoportal provides CSW services integrated with National Broker and INSPIRE Broker.

Source: OpenGIS Catalogue Services Specification
Catalogue metadata enables spatial data to be searched on the basis of corresponding metadata. Discovery services as well as metadata act as the main pillar of Spatial Data Infrastructure based on service oriented architecture (SOA). The discovery service supports functionality for connecting it to a view service.
Geoportal provides the following CSW services:
Katalog Metadanych – krajowy |
Katalog Metadanych – INSPIRE |
In the catalog of the INSPIRE metadata are published metadata for collections and services covered by the INSPIRE monitoring and it is integrated with the European metadata directory.
The national metadata catalog (krajowy katalog metadanych) is published metadata from the metadata catalog INSPIRE and others.